Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Problem We All Live With

This picture is called The Problem We All Live With and it is a painting done by Normal Rockwell in January of 1964. It features a colored girl, Ruby Bridges, on her way to school, surrounded by white guards.  What I think is so great about this picture is Ruby’s naïve image. Back then she was just a six-year old girl, on her way to the first day of school at William Frantz. This scene originally took place on November 14, 1960 and Ruby’s brave image can be seen in this painting. Even though segregation was cruel during that time, Ruby Bridges was only thinking about school. While people think about her being the only “colored” girl, the only “black” girl in William Frantz, it was only a school day for her.

Ruby Bridges had to be escorted by the Federal marshals that day and that’s whom the white bodies represent. The wall behind Ruby has two important signs, details that Norman Rockwell added in order to make this scene extremely shocking and signs that one might not see.  First of all, there is a huge graffiti saying NIGGER and Ruby Bridges is walking right across it. On the top left corner of the painting there are three K’s, the initials of the racist group Ku Klux Klan. Lastly, there is a tomato, lying on the ground after hitting the wall behind Ruby. This tells the viewer that the crowd was trying to hit Ruby but missed and instead, hit the NIGGER sign.

Like I said before whoever sees this painting is well aware of the situation surrounding Ruby. You can see the demeaning words, a thrown tomato, and the federal government guards escorting this little girl during her first day of school. You see how cruel segregation was and you feel sad for how gruesome it must have felt to be Ruby Bridges. Now, that is a completely different perspective than what Ruby saw that day. During her interview at the White House she said, “The girl in that painting at six years old new absolutely nothing about racism. I was going to school that day”. She also clarifies that over time, she learned that hatred is passed on to us when we are children and that no one, should be judged by the color of their skin. This really changes the perspective from the viewer (us) and the protagonist (Ruby). It shows how innocent a child can be while the rest of the world is only spreading hate.

Every person sees things differently. What I think when I see the picture is probably different from what you thought when you saw the picture. Our eyes see different things, find meaning in objects the other might not see, and feel sad about scenes the other might not recognize. Therefore, it is impossible to know exactly what Norman Rockwell was trying to imply when he drew this painting. Norman Rockwell was known for drawing scenes about the normal, common American family. I can’t imagine what people thought when they saw the picture on January 14th, 1964. Because Norman was known for his conservative paintings this meant he really wanted to make a point. I think he was simply trying to show people what was going on. Segregation had gotten to such a level that even six-year old girls were involved. It got to a point were not even colored children could peacefully walk to school without having to see what the world was becoming. What Americans were doing was inhuman, and to him, it made no sense that this poor girl couldn’t even walk to school without seeing racist signs and being discriminated by the crowd around her.

The first thing I see when I look at this painting is Ruby. No matter what, I see her. She’s so present, with her head held high, her school books in her hand, her white dress, and her ribbon. I think this is why Norman Rockwell decided to crop the guards’ faces. He wanted everyone to see Ruby. I like the way Ruby is looking ahead, with her right foot stepping forward, not caring about the signs or the guards in front of her. Her white dress gives me the idea of pureness, innocence. That girl is only worried about school. The next thing I see is the NIGGER sign, and the tomato. As you see these things you start to realize what the whole scene means. I see how the tomato hit the wall, a missed attempt of hitting the poor girl. The graffiti on the wall inmediately creates a bravery image for Ruby. I see her expression, the way she is not even looking back at the wall. The Federal marshals are part of the painting but I don’t think it’s what Norman really wanted us to see. It is just a detail to remind the people of that day, the day the African-American girl was escorted to school by the deputy marshals. The three K’s was definitely the last thing I saw, after looking and scanning the picture for more details. It is there for the viewer to discover, a tiny detail. So that when all the demeaning signs around it have sunk into the viewer’s heart, the three K’s will show up, reminding us all, of the world we live in.

The name, The Problem We All Live With sums up the entire point of the painting. We live in a world where everyone judges their neighbor, their friend, the stranger passing by. A world where the last thing we think about is how the other might feel. And to me that is the so called “problem we all live with”. The problem of discrimination. Whether it’s toward African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, or just discrimination to that one person we don’t like. This is our problem. Judging people just because we feel like it, just because everyone is doing it, just because our first impression of them wasn’t good enough.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Travel Journal- more day

I wish boring things were over instantly. And I wish vacations lasted forever. But then, life would be too fair, and too good. This week went by so quickly and it seemed unreal that I'm back at home. Seems like 2 days ago I was leaving Panama, not IN Panama. However I did do lots of things. I read a lot, which is my new goal for 2012. I read this amazing book in Spanish about a girl getting kidnapped by the FARC and all that she went through. It was a diary and it made me cry. I got to spend some more time with my family, especially my grandma that is now 90 years old. She's really sick now and it breaks my heart to see her cry when I leave. I also ate like crazy. This is a picture I took of a little pastry called miloja. Its really good.

Today I was in the waiting room thingy on the airport and I saw Angelica. Turns out we were on the same plane. My mom and her mom sat together, and I sat with her.We caught up and talked, then we played who wants to be a millionaire (again) and then we saw this funny show. Of course we had to take a picture and look bad. 
Now that I'm back home, I feel weird. I'm excited I'm back and you kind of get used to your house, your stuff and your home. I'm extremely sad as well because I love my family, my sister , everyone and I miss them so much. Tomorrow is my uncle's birthday and they're throwing a surprise party.Friends and family will be there. And I won't. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Travel Journal- Starting To Feel Like The Real Thing

So my vacations so far have been interesting and considering the vacations I've had for the past 14 years, its really, really weird. Vacations for me are like, not moving, sleeping, bed, TV, those kind of things. Long story short, today I went to my uncle's apartment, where my dog (ex. dog you could say) lives. We had lunch, and oh god, I ate so much. You guys, have NO idea. Then, my uncle took out this old chest with about 253729458734907 pictures of when everything was old, and the pictures were black and white, get it. Then grown ups got boring so I decided to read The Secret Life of Bees (that by the way, turned to be really interesting). Then, we came home and I started writing this and thought how cool it would be to show you guys a picture of the funny looking thingy mo-bobs were my uncle puts his pictures in. So I asked my mom what they were called, and we couldn't find the name. So we decided to look at some of my grandma's things to see if she had one and found something even better. So instead of describing it, I took some pictures:

We found this funny looking thing. So you put the negative in the little screen, kind of were my finger is...and then you look through the magnifying glass and BAMMM you see the picture. It was amazing. Funny how this is extremely old yet so incredible to my clearly-not-so-smart-self. :)

My mom and dad. My dad is clearly using his guitar playing skills to captivate my mother.Maybe that is why I love guys...that play guitar.
Hahahaha look at her face. She's like <3

Friday, January 6, 2012

Travel Journal-Wonders Made in Sand

Whenever we come to Colombia...we just stay home and do nothing. But for some strange reason, my parents decided to actually take us places. Anyways, first of all we went to this little town called Zipaquirá. That's where my parents met and we got to see the actual hospital where they used to work on. Then, we went to the Catedral de Sal which is like a big deal here. I think its the 11th wonder of the world or something. Its pretty cool. People think its made of salt because its called the "salt cathedral" but its not. I mean some parts are but it is basically an underground tunnel that was made into a museum. 
Next day we went to this center they have here in Bogotá. Its a tour that comes from all over the world were artists build the wonders of the world in sand. I thought that was really lame because how could you make a solid, detailed sculpture out of sand? Made no sense. But  when we actually saw it...OH MY GOD. The detail and how real they looked, its amazing. Like I can't even describe how awesome the sculptures looked! 
Today I just went to a mall, and... yeah. My dad is leaving the 8th, hes going back to Panama but my mom and I will stay here until the 14th. I hope you are all having a great time and...yeah. :)
   That was like, the worst scultpture ok?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Travel Journal- Hello 2012!!!

My family has a lot of believes when it comes to receiving the new year. Everyone must wear yellow underwear. Yep, yellow underwear....It sounds weird but its supposed to bring money and prosperity. First of all, we all go to my aunt's house, and eat tamales with chocolate. Then, when its 12pm, my uncle (he's a priest) has a little bag full of saints. For example, Virgin Mary, Jesus and a bunch of other "protectors". So you pick one without looking, and that saint is supposed to take care of you throughout the year. Last but not least, at 12pm we eat 12 grapes, representing the 12 months and you must eat a grape and make a wish for each one. 

This year, I got to see all my cousins, uncles, and friends I haven't seen in years. I also got to see my dog. His name is Scout and he's a  Schnauzer, he lived with us for 2 years but we decided to leave him with my uncle instead of taking him to Panama. I miss him a lot.

I hope you all had a wonderful time and I hope this new year is full of good things for all of you!