Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wordly Wise Wednesday: That Summer

I could start this story by telling you about who I am, what my name is and where I am from. But that would take too long, and I’m in no mood for any inkling. Especially not from someone I don’t know. You kids, read stories about audacious knights, about a prudent prince saving the beautiful princess that waits at the top of the tower. You kids, rebuke stories that do not include action, love and hate. Sorry if I’m coming on too strong but this is no serene story, this has no happy ending, no conscientious plot. Only chaos, sorrow and a not so happy ending.
This story starts with the hot summer air on her face, the sun, strong on her body, assuring an after-the-summer tan and blonde hair that would later make her green eyes stand out. She was only wearing her favorite Billabong bikini and had a smoothie on her hand. Depicting the scene would be impossible because everything around her looked so bright, sunny and right where it was supposed to be. Unlike what was coming next. Her tanned fingers reached for her white Blackberry, and realizing how late she was, she picked up her belongings and headed towards the deck.
She embarked the remaining boat and left the island, the only place where summer really felt like summer. As she approached her summer house, she saw there was no car in the driveway, no lights were on and her lackadaisical brother (he was a senior) was nowhere to be seen. They must be in the club, she thought.
 The guard that stood at the entrance of the club confiscated her smoothie, claiming that no drinks were allowed (unless you bought them inside the club). She rolled her eyes (something she did all the time) and strutted towards the tennis courts.
She knew everyone was watching her because she was only wearing a bikini and to be honest, she knew she was quite hot. From the distance, she could see her mother, her brother and something that was just lying on the ground. Now that she looks back, she realizes how stupid and careless she was. Not knowing what awaited at the end of what seemed like a fashion show, a thought that to this day, haunts her and rankles her. She kept strutting, making sure all eyes were on her, making sure every guy was staring at her. Until she saw her mother. Her dad. He was lying on the tennis court.
She never knew, how fast she could run. How worried she could be. How scared she could feel. Until then. Her dad had his eyes shut, his left hand touching his right shoulder. He was wearing a Nike shirt, but all she could see was him. Everything seemed so unreal, like if she was just dreaming, she was too stunned and surprised to even realize. It seemed like only minutes went by, and she was sitting on the hospital's chairs. The smell of alcohol and sickness stuck all over her favorite bikini.
This is where I come in. This is where you guys know who I am, what my name is, where I come from and all that. I am Tim, the person in charge of the most excruciating ceremony one might ever be in. I have to make sure nothing looks slovenly although to me, it makes no sense. I organize funerals. I get to see families struggle through the worst obstacle life can throw on your face. I see children cry, mothers cry, wives cry. I see everyone cry and I know everyone's story.  I know this story, and I wanted to share it with you.
This girl, her real name is Isabella. She was too worried about her looks and her summer to enjoy her father’s last days. He died of a heart attack, March 10th, 2010. He died at age of 41, leaving a family of three to mourn and remember what a great husband, father and friend he was.
Now all there is left is a bunch of family pictures, hidden somewhere in their basement, somewhere where the Cárdenas’ family won’t see it. Please don’t judge, please don’t fight or get annoyed over simple things. Life is way too short and my job only makes it more clear for me to see. Stop blaming society, stop wasting time thinking about who to love, when you have plenty of things to do in the meantime. Tell someone how much you love them, enjoy every second of your life. Because unlike bikinis, smoothies and looks, your family won’t be here forever.

(Based on a true story. Dedicated to my friend Santi and his family. Rest in peace Andrés Cárdenas)

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