Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Confession Tuesday: Please Sit Still

People always have their own confessions. Some of them confess who their true love is. Others rant about what they hate. Call it obsessive compulsive or hyperactive, but I always have to do something with my hands. Like I’m always moving them. It is one of the reasons why I type so fast in the computer, without even watching. It’s the reason why I play guitar. My father used to play guitar, using a pick, and so did my uncle. I can’t. I need to strum fast, flick my wrist and use my fingers all the time. Ever wonder why I use so many bracelets? Because during class, I need to be doing something, I can’t just sit down and pay attention.
This isn’t a recent problem. I’ve had it since I was about four or five. And if you are ever patient enough to see, you’ll notice how I always (and when I say always I mean ALWAYS) do something with my hands. My close friends always make fun of me because whenever I talk to them over facebook chat or something, instead of using exclamation marks, I say something like this: alfjowejfoiwoifhowjfojwofjwofj.
I realized this when I was about eight, because every time I stood still for too long, I would start to stress out. I would touch my hair; I would twist and turn my bracelets with my fingers. When I thought nothing would make it better, I started playing basketball. Sports made it easier for me to run, to move and to avoid the fact that I just couldn’t stay still for more than 10 minutes
My parents are both doctors and all they keep telling me is that nothing is wrong (deep inside however, they know it is stress or it simply corroborates the fact that I’m going crazy). Maybe it is a family thing. My sister, she is always touching her ears. My dad is always touching his glasses. My mom… (Oh no, never mind...She’s the only normal person in our family).  So long story short, I have a hyperactivity problem or something going on. Yeah, so that is my confession.


  1. I love the way your first paragraph is written like a thesis. It flows really well and jeje, bet you typed this in a flash of a second. <3 <3 :D

  2. Funny... I´ve never noticed that about you! It was very well written, you had good use of parentheses. I also like how you made an introduction and a conclusion, you didn´t just tell the story and get it over with. Well done!
