Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Color Collective Poem

Smoke Gray-Benjamin Moore

The door is closed,
And will not open
For the sky shows nothing
But darkness.

I can barely hear your steps
I can barely feel your presence
As I listen to the TAS TAS
Of the stethoscope hit the
Dinner table.

The next thing I hear isn’t out
Of the extraordinary and I realize
I was wrong.

You go out the backdoor
And I can see you
With the clean
White robe that mom so carefully
The robe of a doctor that will soon
Gray smoke.

When the doors are locked,
And the curtains shut,
Your heavy steps
Travel through the stairs.

But before you reach me,
Your youngest daughter,
I inhale.
I inhale all the  gray acid fog
That comes
With you.

The early light announces day,
Announces another weekend.
I numbly go down the stairs
Only to see you and
Your loyal companion.
Your minion
Dangling from your forefinger and your middle finger
Carefully sitting on your right hand.

You seem so consumed,
So obssesed,
Closing your eyes every time you
Every time the doctor takes a drag.

I’ve seen them.
The publicity that blames it
On the cigarette.
I’ve seen them.
The professionals talking about
The nicotine,
The tar,
The carbon monoxide
And all the components that will soon bring
Lung cancer,
And heart diseases.

Yet I come home,
Only to find you inhaling,
Only to find you enjoying
The pleasure and satisfaction
That the smoke brings.

So please promise me and I’ll hope.

Promise me you’ll remember the time
When you were so addicted,
When breathing smoke
Made you blithe.

And I’ll hope for health to fight every battle.

Promise me you’ll never forget the
Cigarette butts
That were left in the ashtray.

And I’ll hope for health to fight every battle.

Promise me you won’t regret
The minutes you spent
Igniting those mistakes.

And I’ll hope for health to fight every battle.

For if the emphysema never catches up to you,
I promise you I’ll remember the second-hand smoke
That came from the doctor
That inhaled
All the
Gray Smoke.

For more amazing color collective poems CLICK HERE


  1. Absolutely addictive; You needed a surgeon general's warning before part taking in the pleasure!
    Now make a copy for your dad.

    1. yesss I will sure do that right now! thankyou

  2. this is amazing. I was so lured to the perfect way you crafted this piece of art, I couldn't stop reading. I loved everything about it. It captures the reader's attention and it is OVERFLOWING with poetic devices, besides that, you put so much YOU in it... I could FEEL it. You are an AMAZING poet and writer. te amo lilichangosa!!

    1. wuuhuuu reply reply!! graciass angiee....btw your poem was incredible as well!!
      lilichangosas...jjajajjaajjaaj me matas...tu y tu video de dancing on a horse...<3
