Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Color Collective Poem #2

Antique Lace-Benjamin Moore


Soft pearls,
God’s beads wrapped inside
Your wrinkled –but sage

Each prayer is a soft
Sung to me by the
Wisest of mockingbirds
Sung to me by the
Ancient mysterious
That seem to consume
All of your careful

I drift off into a religious sleep
While you lull me with the
Devoted voice of an angel
Passionately praying
Hail Mary’s
Our Father
And the Glory Be.

I arouse with the sound of the rosary
Being wrapped around your
Oh so
The words wrapped around my
Oh so

I smile,
A sad smile,
Because the luggage is waiting
In the back of a car.
A car that will detach me
From you.
And all that will be left
Are assumptions, questions,
I will ponder whether I will get to
See you again.

They say you forget,
They say you don’t understand,
But I know
You do.

You whisper in my ear
Something about a present,
You have for me.
So I help you walk,
While you weakly grasp
Onto your wooden cane.

I feel that sour pressure
In my nose, tears that are slowly
So I swallow.
I swallow because it takes
One tear
For you to collapse.
I swallow.

Your bony
Shaky hand
Struggles to open the second drawer
So I help.
All I see is antique lace.
I never really thought about
What your undies looked like,
I never really thought about
How fragile and angelic
They would be.

A red pouch emerges from all the lace,
And you carefully open up the rusty,
Worn out zipper.

A green 20 dollar bill touches my hand
And time stops when you hold
And every one of my fingers.

The money means nothing me,
It’s you that matters,
It’s you that I want to hold on to.

I kiss your ancient forehead
And look into your watery eyes.
I swallow
Scared of what might become of you
Scared because every night
I will pray
Pray to the same God you are so
Devoted to
Pray for him to protect you.

Because I want to make sure
That no matter where I go
You’ll still be there
Waiting for me 
to return.

For more Color Collective Poems...CLICK HERE!


  1. She is going to love this!Well done.
    These the lines that touched me most:

    I kiss your ancient forehead
    And look into your watery eyes.
    I swallow
    Scared of what might become of you
    Scared because every night
    I will pray
    Pray to the same God you are so
    Devoted to
    Pray for him to protect you.

    I would love to use your poem in a card for my grandmother. Let's talk about you creating one.

    1. hahahahahha thankyouu so muchh Mrs. Meadows, I'm glad you liked are allowed to use it for your grandma <3

  2. im speechless natalia, the power an meaning you put in the words made me loose my breath, this is amazing Natalia.
